Tirohanga whānui
Karāpiro is a hydroelectric lake on the Waikato River. It is a 10 minute drive from Cambridge. The river has flowed through the Waikato region for more than 20,000 years. It has been a source of physical and spiritual sustenance from the time of the earliest tūpuna (Māori ancestors) until today. Above Karāpiro stands Maungatautari, a culturally and ecologically important mountain. Journey with us along the lakeshore, towards the mountain, and to a lookout above Karāpiro Dam.
He punahiko wai a Karāpiro i te awa o Waikato. Kua rere te awa i te rohe o Waikato mō ngā tau e 20,000, nuku atu. He puna whakaora ā-tinana, ā-wairua anō hoki te awa mai anō i te wā o ngā tūpuna taketake, tae noa mai ki tēnei rā. Kei runga ake i a Karāpiro a Maungatautari e tū ana, he maunga whaimana ā-ahurea, ā-hauropi anō tēnei. Hoake tātou ki te tirotiro i ngā tahatika o te roto, ahu atu ki te maunga, ki te pourewa hoki kei runga ake i te pāwai o Karāpiro.